Drama DL-section/discussion-section links

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I hope this is the correct place to ask--

Now that FTV is hosting some drama series-- where/who do I ask to make a link between the download pages and the discussion threads? (like the anime series do). For example, currently the Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend) drama DL page says, at the bottom:
"- there is no official thread in the Anime & Manga forums about this series."

Yet there is definitely a discussion going on about it in the Drama/Live Action section.

I'm just wondering who to alert in this and/or future situations?

P.S. THANK YOU so much for deciding to host Zettai Kareshi (and other choice dramas) on FTV!
Okay, looks like it has been added. I tried earlier and it wasn't working, so I don't know if it just decided to work this time or someone else did something at the same time

If you see any future threads not added to the main page, contact a mod or make a post in the Website section of the forum (aka: here).
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